Greatest value!
For you. And for the whales.
Put your whale watching experience in the hands of a researcher who has studied whales his whole life: Dan McSweeney. He personally conducts the only whale watching company on Hawaii'i island that actively supports and protects Hawaii'i's whales
Dan has conducted his internationally recognized whale watching adventures for almost four decades, based on one simple philosophy:
“Do a good business, and do good work, protecting whales nd their environment.”
Dan's life-long commitment to whale research, education and conservation has furthered the understanding of these magnificent creatures. This important work focuses not only on migratory humpback whales, but also on all of the many other species of whales who make Hawai'i their home year 'round.
Dan's guests appreciate taking part in the protection and preservation of whales, while benefiting from his lifetime of experience finding close encounters with these creatures in the wild, and witnessing their captivating antics and breathtaking beauty.

“It’s not luck, it’s who’s driving the boat.”
Come discover why Dan’s adventures have a reputation for thrilling visitors year ‘round!
The humpback whales are back in Hawaii. Now is the time to see them up close! Make your whale watching reservation today.
And don't forget- other amazing sea mammals inhabit these waters year 'round, such as sperm whales and dolphins!